Christ's College
A DigitalNZ Story by Anne Gabrielsson
Christ College Chapel Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christ College Chapel, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christ College Chapel
Auckland Libraries
Christs College - Christchurch (16947/16949)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Christchurch (16947/16951)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ College (L1-35/28)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College (6315/6321)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ College (L1-35/31)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ College (L1-35/30)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ College (L1-35/29)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College (6315/6322)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College (6315/6324)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College (6315/6325)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College (6315/6326)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ's College Chapel door, Rolleston Avenue
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ’s College and Rathkeale College rugby match
Christchurch City Libraries
The Second Master's House, Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College, Christchurch
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College in 1859
Christchurch City Libraries
Library & School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christ’s College Sport 1950
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Christ's College, Rolleston Avenue
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College, Rolleston Avenue
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ’s College Sport 1951
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Christchurch City Libraries
Education. School. Christ's College Posed Group c.1935
Canterbury Photography Museum
Christ's College Chapel. Rolleston Avenue. Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Canterbury Photography Museum
Education. School. Christ's College Choir, 1935, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Canterbury Photography Museum
Christ's College
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College rugby team line-up : shown before the annual School-College rugby match.
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christs College, Christchurch, 1867
Auckland Libraries
Christ’s College Sport 1948
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Christ's College buildings
Auckland Libraries
Runners at Christ’s College sports day
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College cadet marksmen retain shooting trophy
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College gymnasium
Auckland Libraries
Christ’s College 1950
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
School. Christ's College Private Boys' School. Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Canterbury Photography Museum
Christ's college (DS1-16/11)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Hagley - Christchurch (2447/2460)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Christchurch (CO1-36/5)
V.C. Browne & Son
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Christs College - Christchurch (PB0405/21)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Christchurch (PB0405/19)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Christchurch (PB0405/20)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ's College Chapel
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College rugby team
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christs College - Christchurch (11266/11315)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Christchurch (11266/11316)
V.C. Browne & Son
Museum - Christs College - Christchurch (11224/11236)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christs College - Botanic Gardens - Christchurch (2952/2977)
V.C. Browne & Son
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Christchurch - Christ Col Tower Department Laddies 1912
Auckland Libraries
Old Christ's College footbridge to Hagley Park
Christchurch City Libraries
Creator unknown : Photograph of Big School, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Christ’s College Sport 1949
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Christ's College versus Christchurch Boys' High School : shown in the annual School-College rugby match.
Christchurch City Libraries
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Governor General visits Christ's College
Auckland Libraries
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Christ’s College Sport 1950
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Looking North over Christs College - Christchurch (CO1-36/3)
V.C. Browne & Son
College rugby match of the season at Christchurch, South Island
Auckland Libraries
Looking SE over Christs College - Christchurch (CO1-36/4)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ's College cadets
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College science class
Alexander Turnbull Library
Glass Plate Negative: Owen Merton, CHRISTS COLLEGE
Canterbury Museum
College workshop
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christs College
Canterbury Museum
Christ's College Football Club
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College cricket ground
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College students, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Schoolboy athletes in Christchurch: annual sports at Christ's College
Auckland Libraries
Big School, Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Sport. Christ College Rugby Football Team playing a game during the Big Snow in Canterbury New Zealand.
Canterbury Photography Museum
Dining Hall, Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
Looking West over Christs College - Christchurc... (CO1-36/25)
V.C. Browne & Son
Hat: Christ's College Boater
Canterbury Museum
School House, Christ’s College
Christchurch City Libraries
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Photograph: Christ's College, Christchurch
Canterbury Museum
Photograph: Reverend Harris, Headmaster Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Second master's house, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Schools - Secondary - Christ's College
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Looking SW over Christs College and Christchurc... (2447/2457)
V.C. Browne & Son
Glass Plate Negative: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
New cricket pavilion
Christchurch City Libraries
Group of adults outside Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Jacobs House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Glass Plate Negative: Christ's College
Canterbury Museum
Photograph: Christ's College Chapel
Canterbury Museum
Christ’s College Centenary 1950
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Soanes' Scholarships Group, Christ's College
Auckland Libraries
Old rivals meet in college rugby match at Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Snowballing, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ College Cricket Team
Auckland Libraries
Rolleston Avenue, Looking South
Christchurch City Libraries
Building at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Building at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Looking WSW over Christs College and Christchur... (2447/2461)
V.C. Browne & Son
A peep at Christ's College
Christchurch City Libraries
College boys appreciate the cold snap
Auckland Libraries
One of New Zealand's oldest and best-known colleges
Auckland Libraries
Christ College Team, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Masters, Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College, swimming, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Staff, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, swimming, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College Rugby Team
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Chaplain, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christ's College, Christchurch
Canterbury Museum
Blazer: Christ's College, Christchurch
New Zealand Cricket Museum
Christ's College quadrangle, Christchurch
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Dining Hall, Christs College
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Airport (L1-35/1)
V.C. Browne & Son
Airport (L1-35/2)
V.C. Browne & Son
Scholarship winners
Christchurch City Libraries
Formal class photo, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Class Rooms and Chapel Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Popularity of the bicycle as a means of transport in Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Film Negative: Christ's College rowing crew 1922
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College swimming four 1923
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College swimming four 1924
Canterbury Museum
Glass Plate Negative: Christ's College Chapel and Schoolroom
Canterbury Museum
Photograph of the Reverend Henry Jacobs
Alexander Turnbull Library
Swimming sports day at Christ's College in Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Christchurch, viewed from the air
Auckland Libraries
Centennial Pool (L1-35/25)
V.C. Browne & Son
Physical training for sturdy young New Zealanders
Auckland Libraries
Film Negative: Christ's College Flowers House prefects 1929
Canterbury Museum
Memorial Hall interior, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Doorway at a building at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Military cadets on parade, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Memorial Hall, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Specators at a sports day, Christ's College, Christchurch.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Science laboratory buildings, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1922
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1923
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1924
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1927
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1926
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1929
Canterbury Museum
Air Force Museum of New Zealand
Group of boys and school master C L Wiggins, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
A view of the library at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
College athletic champions
Auckland Libraries
The late Rev. C.H. Moreland
Auckland Libraries
Athletic sports of Christ's College. Christchurch, held last week
Auckland Libraries
PDP8 Model E computer
Christchurch City Libraries
Defeated By Wellington College
Auckland Libraries
Interior view of the chapel at Christ's College, Christchurch, looking towards the chancel and the altar
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, Rolleston Ave, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Spectators at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior of Christ College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Chapel altar, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Old library, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Procession at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Development of Kerr's Reach (L1-35/18)
V.C. Browne & Son
Development of Kerr's Reach (L1-35/19a)
V.C. Browne & Son
Avon River, Christchurch, including Christs College in the background
Alexander Turnbull Library
Exterior view of Jacobs House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior of Christ College Hall, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Students working in a chemistry laboratory, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Unidentified boys [students of?] Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior view of chapel, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Memorial Hall/dining hall, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Exterior of Christ's College Memorial Hall, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Development of Kerr's Reach (L1-35/19)
V.C. Browne & Son
Christ's College Challenge Cup trophy
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: Christ's College, Christchurch 1869
Canterbury Museum
Master's house, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Rugby team, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Building at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College, building exterior, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College rugby team, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
School cadets, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
The Quadrangle, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Staff at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Master's house, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Woodwork class, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Film Negative: Christ's College Empire Tour group
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College Empire Tour group
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College Empire Tour group
Canterbury Museum
New principal for Christ's College
Auckland Libraries
Upper School, Christ's College, Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
College rugby tournament held at Wellington
Auckland Libraries
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
[Christ's College Chapel entrance - Christchurch]
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
[Ornate gateway - Christ's College, Christchurch]
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
George Ernest Blanch, Headmaster, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Wall of building at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Entrance to an unidentified building, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Crowd attending laying of the foundation stone for the Dining Hall, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
World War I roll of honour board, listing those associated with Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Diving demonstration, Christ's College swimming pool, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Wooden house at Christs College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Students writing at their desks in a science classroom, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Wooden houses at Christ College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Procession of choir boys and teachers, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at the south-east corner of the quadrangle, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College buildings, including School House and chapel, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints College and Temple, Hamilton, Waikato Region
Alexander Turnbull Library
Dudley Newbigin at Christ’s College 1918
Hawke's Bay Knowledge Bank
Film Negative: Christ's College 1st XV 1923
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Christ's College shooting eight 1925
Canterbury Museum
College buildings overlooking park and river
Auckland Libraries
College rugby tournament held at Wellington
Auckland Libraries
Film Negative: Christ's College 1st XV 1923
Canterbury Museum
Museum presentation
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ's College, Christchurch, South east quadrangle
Alexander Turnbull Library
College rugby tournament held at Wellington
Auckland Libraries
Exterior of School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
View of west side of quadrangle, including chapel and School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Crowd watching the laying of the foundation stone at School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Exterior of Big School, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Exterior view of chapel, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Early school buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Man sweeping an empty swimming pool, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Edward, Prince of Wales, with dignitaries, at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Buildings at Christ's College, Christchurch, including the Hare Memorial Library
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College group in religious uniform with clergy
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College Conte Challenge Cup trophy
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College football or soccer team
Alexander Turnbull Library
Archbishop Julius and Governor General Lord Jellicoe at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Geoffrey C Wood Nelson Evening Mail proof sheet: Rugby
Nelson Provincial Museum
Geoffrey C Wood Nelson Evening Mail proof sheet: Rugby
Nelson Provincial Museum
Geoffrey C Wood Nelson Evening Mail proof sheet: Inter College Rugby Tournament
Nelson Provincial Museum
Geoffrey C Wood Nelson Evening Mail proof sheet: Inter College Rugby Tournament
Nelson Provincial Museum
Second master's house, covered in ivy and trees alongside, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College Chapel, church interior, choir stalls, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College 1st XV rugby team, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
A view of the quad from inside the doorway, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
The dining hall of Christ's College, Christchurch, with the seating gallery at the far end
Alexander Turnbull Library
An oriel bay window in the dining hall of Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior of Memorial Hall, Christ's College, Christchurch, with dining tables
Alexander Turnbull Library
Building behind trees, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior of the chapel, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christ's College chapel, church interior, choir stalls and altar, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
The dining hall of Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Annual athletic championships at a South Island college
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College buildings, Christchurch, with a motor car in the foreground
Alexander Turnbull Library
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints College, Hamilton, Waikato Region
Alexander Turnbull Library
C. H. Green
Lincoln University
Sports/playing field, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photograph: School Room Christ's College 1867
Canterbury Museum
Christ College, Canterbury, 6.30am
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Cross-country runners competing at a sports day, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Visit of Edward, Prince of Wales, to Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Ceremonial scroll welcoming Edward, Prince on Wales to Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior view of the library at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Homes and Christ's College gymnasium along side Avon River, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Jubilee match, Ōtāhuhu, 1971.
Auckland Libraries
Christ's College 1st XV rugby team
Alexander Turnbull Library
A cricket team, [from Christs College, Christchurch?]
Alexander Turnbull Library
R. P. Hunter-Weston
Lincoln University
Groundsmen with a horse-drawn lawnmower at south end of quadrangle, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Viscount Plunket laying the foundation stone at School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Interior view looking across stalls towards stained glass window, Christ's College chapel, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Keen supporters at last week's college rugby match in Christchurch
Auckland Libraries
Nelson College, Christ Church Cathedral Choir, 1953
Nelson Provincial Museum
Nelson College, Christ Church Cathedral Choir, 1954
Nelson Provincial Museum
Christ Church Cathedral, Nelson College Choir, 1948
Nelson Provincial Museum
Christchurch College Football Team 1894
Auckland Libraries
Staff and students from Christ's College, Christchurch, gather with family members in Hagley Park
Alexander Turnbull Library
Agnes Isobel Stout with her son John David Stout and another woman and boy, Christ's College sports day
Alexander Turnbull Library
Film Negative: Mrs Williams sons
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Mrs Williams sons
Canterbury Museum
Science master Frank Andrews
Christchurch City Libraries
Frank Andrews with camera
Christchurch City Libraries
Christ Church Cathedral, Nelson College Choir, gp 66
Nelson Provincial Museum
The Annual Christs College-Boys High School Match
Auckland Libraries
[Christs College Old Boys and Timaru Cricket Club?]
South Canterbury Museum
Man riding a horse in Hagley Park
Christchurch City Libraries
master's house, Christ's college, christchurch. [Architects, C. J.Mcurtfott,ardCcMins & Hatman (Progress, 01 May 1908)
National Library of New Zealand
All are one in Jesus Christ
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
Film Negative: Master J C Richards (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Master H S Richards (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Youthful ski-ing champions
Auckland Libraries
Group portrait of the rowing club at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Group portrait of the rowing club at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Group portrait of the rowing club at Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Christchurch, Hagley Park, lunchtime joggers, and, Christ's College, 1971.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Laying of the foundation stone at School House, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library
Film Negative: Master David Ashe (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Master Heath Thompson (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Mr F W Brandt (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Mr F W Brandt (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Casual parking, Hagley Park
Christchurch City Libraries
Film Negative: Master David Ashe (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Film Negative: Mrs R W Cuddon's son (twin negative)
Canterbury Museum
Miss Williams, February 1903
Christchurch City Libraries
L. Ivan Manning
Lincoln University
E. S. Jameson
Lincoln University
Glass Plate Negative: Panorama, Number Seventeen
Canterbury Museum
Foundation stone laid by William Lee, Baron Plunket
Alexander Turnbull Library
Football team, location unidentified
Alexander Turnbull Library
Royal Tour. Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, during his visit to Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Canterbury Photography Museum
North Town House day boys, Christ's College, Christchurch
Alexander Turnbull Library