How to delete your uploaded images

This page includes instructions about deleting an image that you have uploaded to a DigitalNZ story.

Go to ‘My uploaded images’

Select ‘My uploaded images’ from the drop-down menu on the top right of your screen.

Cropped area of DigitalNZ website homepage with a yellow arrow pointing to the dropdown 'My uploaded images'.

Click the rubbish bin icon

Click on the rubbish bin icon in the top right corner of the image you would like to delete.

Cropped area of DigitalNZ webpage 'My uploaded images' with a yellow arrow pointing to the rubbish bin icon.

Delete your image

Confirm that you want to delete your image by clicking on ‘Yes, delete this image’. Your image will be deleted and removed from all the DigitalNZ stories that it has been added to.

Cropped area of DigitalNZ webpage with a yellow arrow pointing to a 'Yes delete this image' button.